State of the Nation  2024


Reasons for signing

See why others have signed the pledge:

August 12th, 2024
Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa
(72 yrs)
from Gauteng says:
I call on all South African men to make this pledge to be part of the effort to end gender-based violence. As individuals and as members of families and communities, we need to change our attitudes and behaviour. We need to take responsibility for our actions. As men, we must pledge to never raise a hand against a woman, to treat women as equals, to respect their rights and to treat them with dignity. If we are to end violence against women and children, we must work together as a society. The solution starts with us.
August 12th, 2024
Shipokosa Paul Mashatile
(62 yrs)
from Gauteng says:
In our attempts to end the scourge of Gender-based Violence and protect the rights of the victims, let us join hands to register our collective intolerance against GBV. We call on all civil society formations, communities and every individual to take a stand. Let us all support the initiative of President Ramaphosa and sign the pledge. Let us all be counted in.
August 13th, 2024
Peter Nthlodi MOTLOUTSI
(40 yrs)
from Gauteng says:
I pledge to be a role model, and teaching my young boys that violence is not always the answer, and we must protect women at all costs
August 13th, 2024
Phiwumusa Madela
(23 yrs)
from Gauteng says:
I commit myself to always playing a part in creating a space where women can feel human and not feel like an object. The empowerment of women is the empowerment of a society where all can feel human.
August 13th, 2024
Sinqobile Motha
(24 yrs)
from Gauteng says:
I Pledge ❤️🤍
August 13th, 2024
Qinisela Mthembu
(36 yrs)
from KwaZulu-Natal says:
I will make sure I stand up for women of our Country. No women will be abuse in my present. i will protect them all the times. The solution starts with me.
August 13th, 2024
Shikar Khelawan
(40 yrs)
from KwaZulu-Natal says:
Stop abuse and violation of women and children
August 13th, 2024
Rouvanne van den Berg
(52 yrs)
from Western Cape says:
Fathers - teach your sons to be the men who earn the love and respect of women!
August 13th, 2024
Job Sibiya
(52 yrs)
from Mpumalanga says:
Let us work together to end violent against women and children. Let us talk with them in a good manner and give them a chance to express their feelings.
August 13th, 2024
Simphiwe Gregory Ncube
(37 yrs)
from Gauteng says:
I here by sign this pledge as a token of appreciation to woman abuse and will serve them with unlimited effort.
August 13th, 2024
Tumelo Mathonsi
(31 yrs)
from Gauteng says:
Consider any woman as your grandma, mother or sister and treat them all with the gentleness.
August 13th, 2024
Andrew Molefi Sithole
(55 yrs)
from Gauteng says:
Let's love and protect our women.
August 13th, 2024
Khustaz Mtwentwe
(43 yrs)
from Gauteng says:
Our organisation #StandUpSA🇿🇦 is available to assist men who are struggling in their relationships, in order to prevent GBV.
August 13th, 2024
Menzi Mantshintshi
(32 yrs)
from Mpumalanga says:
I Pledge thank you.
August 13th, 2024
Eustine Matshini
(48 yrs)
from Western Cape says:
this should extent to women as well. though violence is not justfied, there are alot of women who are emotionally abusing our SA men. Most men are bruised and broken because of being disrespected, embrassed, rediculled and most importantly being subject to infidelity by our promiscious women. For this to stop, women should learn to walk away from a reletionaship if not happy. they must stop fooling men, they must stop cheating on thier men. they must stop using men for econimic survival. we need to be honest and be frank about these things, most men use the violence as the final...
August 13th, 2024
Heinrich Smalberger
(43 yrs)
from Western Cape says:
I pledge to be a role model in my community and to call out GBV at all times.
August 13th, 2024
Sizwe Ntimane
(31 yrs)
from Free State says:
Men lead and protect, women nurture. As much as we pledge to protect them, women must pledge to nurture and not look down on men.
August 13th, 2024
Heinrich Smalberger
(43 yrs)
from Western Cape says:
I pledge to be a role model in my community and to call out GBV at all times.
August 13th, 2024
Joaquin Adolph
(18 yrs)
from Gauteng says:
I wake up, I go to sleep if I wrong any women I pray my soul is for the lord to keep.
August 13th, 2024
Ernest Tobeni
(37 yrs)
from Gauteng says:
August 13th, 2024
Bekithemba Nyathi
(39 yrs)
from Gauteng says:
I am against GBV it must be stopped immediately
August 13th, 2024
Denver Jordaan
(47 yrs)
from Western Cape says:
We shall end GBV once and for all. ✊️
August 13th, 2024
Mpho Lerole
(47 yrs)
from Gauteng says:
As a Mzansi Act Now member I support Presidency on efforts to curb these horrible acts and violation on humankind. GBVF must end in our country and we should be taking a center stage as men of the country. #actnow
August 13th, 2024
lehlohonolo Joseph moloi
(29 yrs)
from Gauteng says:
all people are equal
August 13th, 2024
Menzi Mantshintshi
(32 yrs)
from Mpumalanga says:
I Pledge thank you.
August 13th, 2024
Denford Gwizo
(42 yrs)
from Gauteng says:
I will protect every woman and children with everything than I can, let's join hand and protect the innocents
August 13th, 2024
David Mokgohloa
(29 yrs)
from Gauteng says:
I would like to see a boy child taught very different to how we were molded if a boy child is well taken care of all problems will be over
August 13th, 2024
Meshack Ntimane
(54 yrs)
from Limpopo says:
As a man I do give consent to all woman in my country that I wii always respect them as human not animals and will never hurt anyone
August 13th, 2024
Jonas Khomotso Comfort Senoamadi
(25 yrs)
from Limpopo says:
To me women and men are all precious,so no women should be treated badly or mishandled
August 13th, 2024
Phila Mbatha
(36 yrs)
from KwaZulu-Natal says:
It's start with each men taking full responsibility in his area of influence be it immediate family, extended family, social circles, and the work environment. Together we can end Women and children abuse.
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