State of the Nation  2025

Operation Vulindlela

Operation Vulindlela is a joint initiative of the Presidency and National Treasury to accelerate the implementation of structural reforms and support economic recovery.

Operation Vulindlela aims to modernise and transform network industries, including electricity, water, transport and digital communications.


Milestone Dashboard

  • Increase role of independent power producers
    Implement emergency procurement of 2 000 MW of power
    Implement IPP procurement in terms of IRP 2019
    Increase the licensing threshold to enable increased investment in embedded or distributed generation
    Implement Eskom short-term power purchase programme (STPPP)
  • Restructure Eskom into generation, transmission and distribution entities
    Divisionalisation of Eskom
    Legal separation of Eskom into entities for generation, transmission and distribution
  • Improve energy availability factor on Eskom plants
    Reverse decline in EAF and improve EAF from current level of approximately 65% to over 70%
  • Address institutional inefficiencies in municipal electricity distribution management
    Enforce municipal distribution license conditions
    Review municipal fiscal framework to acknowledge the reduced role of electricity sales
    Implement comprehensive national programme to support municipalities to improve electricity distribution performance
  • Increase available digital spectrum
    Hold spectrum auction
  • Migrate from analogue to digital TV
  • Finalise policy and policy direction on rapid deployment of electronic communications networks and facilities
    Finalise policy and issue regulations
    Streamline approval of wayleave applications at municipal level
  • Improve water-use licensing processes
    Process long outstanding water use license applications
    Streamline and improve water-use licensing processes
  • Strengthen regulation of water pricing and service standards
    Revive the Green Drop, Blue Drop and No-Drop water quality monitoring programmes
    Establish an independent economic regulator for water
  • Finalise and implement the revised raw water pricing strategy
  • Establish a national water resources infrastructure agency
  • Address institutional inefficiencies in municipal water and sanitation services
    Implement comprehensive national programme to support municipalities to improve water services performance
  • Corporatise the Transnet National Ports Authority
    Complete impact assessment and establish TNPA as a subsidiary of Transnet
  • Improve competitiveness and efficiency of ports
    Create operational improvements within TPT
    Improve coordination of all departments and entities in ports to increase efficiency and competitiveness
  • Establish a Transport Economic Regulator through the Economic Regulation of Transport Bill
    Economic Regulation of Transport Bill to be passed in Parliament
    Develop business plan for Regulator
    Establish regulator
  • Implement third-party access policy and concession branch freight rail lines
    Develop and implement third-party access policy
    Issue RFPs to concession branch lines where viable
  • Finalise and implement White Paper on National Rail Policy
  • Improve the regulatory framework for skilled immigration
    Publish revised critical skills list
    Carry out review of regulatory framework and processes
    Adjust regulatory framework and processes
  • Implement e-Visa and visa waivers
    Implement e-Visa and expand visa waivers
    Explore feasibility of visa recognition programme
Key for icons:
  • To do
  • Complete
  • In Progress

Roadmap to reform and growth

Roadmap to reform and growth

Operation Vulindlela Progress Update

Key Milestones and highlights of Operation Vulindlela.

Operation Vulindlela Progress Update
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Operation Vulindlela Summary Booklet 022021

In his address to a joint sitting of Parliament on 15 October 2020, President Ramaphosa announced that “to fast-track the delivery of economic reforms, Operation Vulindlela will be implemented as a joint initiative of The Presidency and National Treasury.”

The implementation of structural reforms is crucial to sustain our economic recovery and to address the underlying causes of low economic growth and high unemployment. Many of these reforms have been delayed for a number of reasons, but their urgency is increased by the need to support a swift economic recovery.

Operation Vulindlela Summary Booklet 022021
Download PDF

2021 Operation Vulindlela Fact Sheet

Operation Vulindlela is an initiative driven by the Presidency, supported by National Treasury. It is aimed at accelerating the implementation of prioritised economic structural reforms.

2021 Operation Vulindlela Fact Sheet
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