Investing in education and skills development
Implement mother tongue based bilingual education
Addressing asset poverty
Enable low-cost property development, including backyard housing
Making cities work
Restore remaining passenger rail corridors and stations to full service
We are investing in education and skills development to empower South Africans and give them the tools they need to succeed. This includes improving the quality of education, expanding access to early childhood development and providing bursaries and loans for higher education.
We are working to transform healthcare services and ensure that all South Africans have access to quality healthcare. This includes building new hospitals and clinics, training healthcare workers and implementing the National Health Insurance (NHI) system.
Prepare for implementing the National Health Insurance to ensure all have access to equitable, accessible and affordable quality health care.
This includes developing the first phase of a single electronic health record, preparatory work to establish Ministerial Advisory Committees on health technologies and health care benefits, and an accreditation framework for health service providers.
We are working to address asset poverty and ensure that all South Africans have the opportunity to own assets, such as land and housing. This includes providing land restitution, building affordable housing and supporting small businesses.