State of the Nation  2024


Reasons for signing

See why others have signed the pledge:

August 13th, 2024
Hlengani Steven Maluleke
(54 yrs)
from Limpopo says:
I'm committed to ending GBV against women and children's
August 13th, 2024
Audrey Fynn
(52 yrs)
from KwaZulu-Natal says:
Break the Silence
August 13th, 2024
Andries Booysen
(45 yrs)
from Gauteng says:
I pledge that I will treat a woman as a person, not an object or possession.
August 13th, 2024
Lebogang Molemo Molemo
(29 yrs)
from Gauteng says:
A safe, tolerant & inclusive society for all. Where men & women coexist with no fear in the words of u’Tata Nelson Mandela; South African belongs to all those who live in it.
August 13th, 2024
Tebogo Semadi
(47 yrs)
from Gauteng says:
Lets stop gbv
August 13th, 2024
Botshelo Masumu
(40 yrs)
from Gauteng says:
Real men don't abuse women and children but they protect them against all bad things.
August 13th, 2024
Nchali Maluleka
(41 yrs)
from Gauteng says:
I’m supporting the initiative, gender based violence is a no no, actually it should be a punishable offence with no BAIL
August 13th, 2024
Mondli Mwandla
(41 yrs)
from KwaZulu-Natal says:
As men, we must protect women, girls, boys, and other man. No form of violence should be cordoned or take place anywhere. I must do unto you what I would like you to do unto me. Let us love one another.
August 13th, 2024
Mchavi Magwelande Nuker
(37 yrs)
from Limpopo says:
I stand against violence
August 13th, 2024
Sizakele Mfuphi
(40 yrs)
from KwaZulu-Natal says:
GBV must end...we are tired of leaving in fear and our kids growing up in fear...what kind of live have we now normalized we not safe even in our houses, school work.shops police station hospital...we're are we suppose to be....Men of this country want to kill us all and leave by themselves...who ever is in charge please do your job...or do we need to bribe someone to assist us with women and children issues in South Africa in order to be safe.
August 13th, 2024
Sizakele Mfuphi
(40 yrs)
from KwaZulu-Natal says:
GBV must end...we are tired of leaving in fear and our kids growing up in fear...what kind of live have we now normalized we not safe even in our houses, school work.shops police station hospital...we're are we suppose to be....Men of this country want to kill us all and leave by themselves...who ever is in charge please do your job...or do we need to bribe someone to assist us with women and children issues in South Africa in order to be safe.
August 13th, 2024
Dumisani Mtetwa
(36 yrs)
from KwaZulu-Natal says:
I refuse to look away when a woman cries for help! Not in my name! Tomorrow could be my child, my sister or my Mother and therefore, I stand and protect women and children at all costs.
August 13th, 2024
Luxolo Hamlet Johnson
(49 yrs)
from Eastern Cape says:
I support this initiative and I promise that I will protect women in any way as long as I live
August 13th, 2024
Frank Coetzee
(49 yrs)
from Gauteng says:
I pledge
August 13th, 2024
Mpho Lekgetho
(20 yrs)
from North West says:
I'm a chairperson of EYC...sometimes I won't be available.
August 13th, 2024
Ditheko Moroeng Ignatius Tau
(38 yrs)
from Gauteng says:
I will continue to be the difference and examplary for my daughter's and all women and girls' sake. It starts with me.
August 13th, 2024
Mzolisi Elvis Xengxe
(46 yrs)
from Eastern Cape says:
As a law abiding patriotic South African who & that's privileged & honour 2 serve as a Public Servant through DCS at Mdantsane Prison as a warder I will do my best 2 strictly adhere 2 this pledge against all odds as required & expected of me ... I will influence Prison 2 have this pledge as well signed by fellow colleagues & inmates ... Hence those who are in our facilities for GBV must & should be really assisted 2 reform & be rehabilitated through corrections programmes & Futher that & which triggered them 2 be perpetrators of GBV needs 2 be...
August 13th, 2024
Lerato Somdaka
(41 yrs)
from Gauteng says:
Enough is Enough!!!! Why so much hate towards
August 13th, 2024
Lerato Somdaka
(41 yrs)
from Gauteng says:
Enough is Enough!!! Why so much hate towards women and children in South Africa
August 13th, 2024
Lerato Somdaka
(41 yrs)
from Gauteng says:
Enough please!!!
August 13th, 2024
Lucky Mohloba
(47 yrs)
from Mpumalanga says:
I commit myself to the protection of all woman and to never lay a hand to any woman. To call out any form of abuse against women.
August 13th, 2024
Konanani Happy Raligilia
(40 yrs)
from Gauteng says:
In as much as it takes a village to raise a child, it should also be upon the entire community of men to ensure that women and children are protected from all forms of GBV.
August 13th, 2024
Themba Ramoba
(39 yrs)
from Gauteng says:
GBV has no place
August 13th, 2024
Botlhale Modisane
(40 yrs)
from Gauteng says:
End GBVF Now!!!!!
August 13th, 2024
Kamohelo Peake
(22 yrs)
from Free State says:
I pledge.🥹❤️
August 13th, 2024
Reggie Ditsele
(49 yrs)
from Gauteng says:
Let's end GBV&F
August 13th, 2024
Kingsley Mandalendo Mhango
(48 yrs)
from Gauteng says:
Women are the greatest gift that God ever created on earth. As men we need to love them as we love the air that we breathe each and everyday. Our generation should keep in mind that life is good with women, let's treat them as our treasures, let them feel that men are not there to violence. To my fellow men let's say no domestic violence.
August 13th, 2024
Mike Manyama
(53 yrs)
from Gauteng says:
August 13th, 2024
Bathmanathan Moodley
(61 yrs)
from KwaZulu-Natal says:
Dont Condone gender based violence.
August 13th, 2024
Lihle Mbaxa
(23 yrs)
from Western Cape says:
I was raised in a family where my father never raised his hand on my mother so I swear to do the same
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