State of the Nation  2024


Reasons for signing

See why others have signed the pledge:

August 13th, 2024
Denis James
(31 yrs)
from Limpopo says:
I personally pledge to stop GBV
August 13th, 2024
Lesiba Shaun
(40 yrs)
from Limpopo says:
Stop gender based violence
August 13th, 2024
Puso Galehole
(42 yrs)
from Northern Cape says:
I hereby pledge to respect women, and to them with respect at all times.
August 13th, 2024
Peter Fourie
(29 yrs)
from Gauteng says:
I would like to end the GBV in our country
August 13th, 2024
Frans Madida Nkosi
(50 yrs)
from Limpopo says:
I would like to commit my self and sign the pledge in terms of ending gender based violence and femicide against women and children in this country. As a man I take responsibility to protect women and see them as human beings. Women are very important in our society.
August 13th, 2024
John J Mapela
(53 yrs)
from Gauteng says:
I stand against any violence and abuse against women and children
August 13th, 2024
Oscar Tshikani Maluleke
(19 yrs)
from Limpopo says:
Real Men don’t use his power to abuse or kill women but use his power to provide inside his home
August 13th, 2024
Amos Phago
(41 yrs)
from Gauteng says:
Women are also human beings and they too have a right to exist, with equal rights, respect and dignity.
August 13th, 2024
Richmore Maringe
(30 yrs)
from Western Cape says:
This also goes out to every other men living in South Africa. South African or not. Let love lead. The rest will follow.
August 13th, 2024
Luthando Nqakala
(28 yrs)
from Northern Cape says:
I sign the pledge, because I wouldn't want my daughter, or sister to be a victim of GBV.
August 13th, 2024
Mashite F Chumu
(39 yrs)
from Limpopo says:
Love them Respect them Control your emotions Everyone deserve to be loved
August 13th, 2024
Elizabeth Leepile
(42 yrs)
from Gauteng says:
Let all forms of abuse end.
August 13th, 2024
Murendeni Netshishivhe
(29 yrs)
from Gauteng says:
Going against GBV And pleading that will never stand when such actions happen Infront of me
August 13th, 2024
Isaven Pillay
(35 yrs)
from Gauteng says:
This pledge should be a sworn oath taken by every South African man. It’s our duty to protect our women.
August 13th, 2024
Bakang Elija Enele
(45 yrs)
from North West says:
It will not happen with me and around me. I will raise my voice against GBV.
August 13th, 2024
Tseko Clement Mohau Makhosane
(56 yrs)
from Gauteng says:
I commit as an individual in my personal, familial, societal, professional, occupational, vocational and religious capacity to uphold the ideals of this pledge and actively contribute towards ending GBVF. I submit!!!
August 13th, 2024
Malik Maloyi
(51 yrs)
from North West says:
In my capacity as a father and as a broadcaster, I pledge to play my part daily to create a world free from harm for women and children.
August 13th, 2024
Rabatho Laka
(32 yrs)
from Gauteng says:
Let's raise our children to live in a world that is inclusive and flourishing. Take care of our mother's and our sisters. Love your your partner unconditionally. Be the example you want your kids to live by
August 13th, 2024
Khotso Dintoe
(25 yrs)
from Gauteng says:
To the brave survivors, families, and communities affected by gender-based violence, Your strength and resilience in the face of unimaginable pain and trauma are a testament to the unbreakable human spirit. Know that you are not alone, and your voices are being heard. To the perpetrators, know that your actions will not be tolerated. GBV is a crime, and justice will be served. Let us stand together, as a nation, to create a South Africa where women, children, and all individuals can live free from fear, free from violence, and free to thrive.
August 13th, 2024
Esihle Bokolo
(27 yrs)
from Eastern Cape says:
I Esihle Bokolo hereby pledge and bind myself to the Law of South Africa that I will never lay and do things without the consent from my future Lady.
August 13th, 2024
Jeffrey Lucky Mphutlane
(46 yrs)
from Gauteng says:
I say no to GBV at all costs and I pledge as a man of South Africa to do my best to fight this pandemic GBV
August 13th, 2024
Mzwandile Masina
(49 yrs)
from Gauteng says:
I fully commit to the pledge
August 13th, 2024
Sizwe Malinga
(33 yrs)
from Gauteng says:
I swear to uphold this pledge to the best of my abilities and for as long as I am alive.
August 13th, 2024
Isaac Seekoei
(29 yrs)
from Northern Cape says:
I Isaac Seekoei pledge that I will never lift my hand at a woman I will never hit her.My duty as a man is to respect her protect her and make her the African Queen that she is.I will make her stronger so she can guide me so that she can give me strength to lead my family.
August 13th, 2024
Shewan Medican
(33 yrs)
from Northern Cape says:
I am a man who believes in equality and therefore am an activist in protecting the queens of South Africa
August 13th, 2024
Nkwenyama John Ndzaba
(41 yrs)
from Free State says:
I like to see all man changes there behaviour towards woman
August 13th, 2024
Tiny Maile
(47 yrs)
from Gauteng says:
A woman is a rib taken from a men,without a women a part of men is missing stop killing the life givers!
August 13th, 2024
Beau Nkaelang
(46 yrs)
from Northern Cape says:
I pledge not to see a women in a child I pledge not to discriminate LGBTIQ+ I pledge not to commit corrective rapes
August 13th, 2024
Kagisho Moroke
(43 yrs)
from Northern Cape says:
We need schools across districts in the country so that all can be taught reminded of the good principles of being a real man a protector provider and leader in society
August 13th, 2024
(19 yrs)
from Limpopo says:
Wanna hit something? Hit a punching bag, not a woman.
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