State of the Nation  2025

A Nation that Works for All

Sign the Pledge

A Pledge for South African Men to End Gender-based Violence


  1. Treat all women as equals.

  2. Treat a woman as a person, not as an object or possession.

  3. Support women as best as I can and actively play my part to challenge rape culture and stop any forms of prejudice, abuse or violence against women.

  4. Call out other men for their inappropriate behaviour or inappropriate comments towards women.

  5. Respect a woman as I would expect to be respected as a man because respect, equality, and the human rights of all South Africans are non-negotiable.

  6. Be a role model in teaching boys in my family and my community that expressing their emotions is not a sign of weakness, that violence is not a way to resolve conflict and that women must be treated with respect.

  7. Treat other women how I would like my mother, sister, or daughter to be treated.

  8. Advocate for the safety and well-being of children and actively work against all forms of abuse and violence.

  9. Call out and correct inappropriate behaviour towards children by adults and peers.


  1. Raise my hand against a woman.

  2. Intimidate, threaten, or demean any woman, whether it be physically, verbally, emotionally or sexually, or allow any other person to do so.

  3. Perpetuate stereotypes about women or assume anything about a woman from what she is wearing.

  4. Make a woman feel violated by my gaze, my words or my actions or make her uncomfortable due to my presence.

  5. Make physical and/or sexual contact with a woman without her explicit permission or force her into something she does not want to do.

  6. Condone or remain silent about gender-based violence.

  7. Walk away from my responsibilities as a father, if I have children.

  8. Use my position at home, in the workplace and in other social spaces to undermine women’s human rights and dignity.

  9. Make a child feel unsafe or uncomfortable with my presence, words, or actions.

  10. Engage in any inappropriate contact with a child or disregard their boundaries.


By taking the pledge, you are committing to being part of the solution to end Gender-based Violence in South Africa.

Reasons for signing

See why others have signed the pledge:

Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa
(72 yrs)
from Gauteng says:
I call on all South African men to make this pledge to be part of the effort to end gender-based violence. As individuals and as members of families and communities, we need to change our attitudes and behaviour. We need to take responsibility for our actions. As men, we must pledge to never raise a hand against a woman, to treat women as equals, to respect their rights and to treat them with dignity. If we are to end violence against women and children, we must work together as a society. The solution starts with us.
Shipokosa Paul Mashatile
(62 yrs)
from Gauteng says:
In our attempts to end the scourge of Gender-based Violence and protect the rights of the victims, let us join hands to register our collective intolerance against GBV. We call on all civil society formations, communities and every individual to take a stand. Let us all support the initiative of President Ramaphosa and sign the pledge. Let us all be counted in.
Peter Nthlodi MOTLOUTSI
(40 yrs)
from Gauteng says:
I pledge to be a role model, and teaching my young boys that violence is not always the answer, and we must protect women at all costs
Phiwumusa Madela
(23 yrs)
from Gauteng says:
I commit myself to always playing a part in creating a space where women can feel human and not feel like an object. The empowerment of women is the empowerment of a society where all can feel human.
Sinqobile Motha
(24 yrs)
from Gauteng says:
I Pledge ❤️🤍
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