State of the Nation  2025

A Nation that Works for All

Digital communications sector

Digital communications sector
Digital communications sector

Reforms in the digital communications sector will reduce the cost of data and broadband, expand internet access to low-income households and unlock new investment in telecommunications infrastructure.

Holding an auction for high-demand spectrum

Will make additional spectrum frequency available for mobile telecommunications. Spectrum frequency, like water, is a finite natural resource – there is only so much spectrum available, and it must be allocated efficiently to increase network speeds and reduce costs. The spectrum bands that will be auctioned by ICASA are known as the “digital dividend” as they allow signals to travel over a longer distance, resulting in fewer transmission towers and base stations being required. The auction of spectrum will reduce the cost of mobile data and improve network quality.

Holding an auction for high-demand spectrum

Completing the migration from analogue to digital television signal

Will free up additional spectrum frequency, which is currently being used for television broadcast, for mobile telecommunications. Most countries in the world have moved to digital television signal to allow this spectrum to be used for 4G and 5G mobile networks. By completing digital migration, South Africa will modernise and transform the digital economy.

Completing the migration from analogue to digital television signal

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