State of the Nation  2025

Type of recommendation

Commission of Inquiry

Report Publication

Part 5, Volume 2, Page 854

  • Commission Of Inquiry
Type of recommendation
  • Commission of Inquiry
Implementing authority

Part 5, Volume 2, Page 854

Appoint a special commission of inquiry into the collapse of PRASA


  • • Commission Of Inquiry
  • • Commission of Inquiry


Having given anxious consideration to the issues [raised in testimony about the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA)], I have decided that a special commission of inquiry be appointed to examine specifically the following matters: - Why PRASA was allowed to slide into almost total ruin - Who should be held responsible for this - Who could have benefitted from this unacceptable state of affairs

Responsible to implement:

Actions on recommendations

A decision on the establishment of a commission of inquiry into PRASA will be held in abeyance until the completion of the investigations underway by the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation and the Special Investigating Unit (SIU), and the review by the PRASA board. A determination will then be made on whether these processes have sufficiently addressed the matters raised by the Commission and whether a commission of inquiry would serve that purpose. A proclamation will be issued to broaden the scope and set timeframes for an expanded SIU investigation into PRASA based on the evidence before the State Capture Commission. Additional dedicated resources will be brought in to augment the existing investigators who are also looking into other state-owned enterprises.

Progress as at November 2023

A decision on the establishment of a Special Commission of Inquiry into PRASA is currently held in abeyance, pending the finalisation of investigations by the DPCI and the SIU.

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*These recommendations exclude those that relate to criminal and other investigations, which are being addressed by law enforcement agencies and other bodies according to their respective mandates.