State of the Nation  2024


Government of National Unity

The people of South Africa have spoken.

“Exactly 50 days ago, the people of South Africa went to the polls to decide the future of our country. Ahead of the elections they had expressed their concerns and their hopes, their wishes and their expectations. Through their votes, they determined that the leaders of our country should set aside their political differences and come together as one to overcome the severe challenges that confront our nation.”

President Cyril Ramaphosa, Opening of Parliament Address, 18 July 2024

The beginning of a new era

Read the newsletter on the GNU

The Government of National Unity (GNU) was formed after the recent elections, when 10 political parties from across the spectrum came together to chart a new path forward for our country. This unprecedented act of unity was a direct response to the wishes of the South African people, who called for cooperation and partnership to tackle the country’s biggest challenges.

These parties are: the African National Congress (ANC), Democratic Alliance (DA), Patriotic Alliance, Inkatha Freedom Party, Good Party, Pan Africanist Congress of Azania, Freedom Front Plus, United Democratic Movement, Al Jama-ah and Rise Mzansi.

The Government of National Unity has resolved to dedicate the next five years to actions that will advance three strategic priorities:

  • Drive inclusive growth and job creation

  • Reduce poverty and tackle the high cost of living

  • Build a capable, ethical and developmental state

A National Dialogue

"On the occasion of the Presidential Inauguration, I made a commitment that we should work together to hold a National Dialogue to discuss the critical challenges facing our nation, and to agree on what we all need to do to achieve a better future for this great country.

Across society, people have expressed their support for this National Dialogue. They have said it should involve all key stakeholders in the life of our country, representing civil society, traditional leaders, the faith-based sector, labour, business, cultural workers, sports people and other formations representing the diverse interests and voices of our citizens.

We envisage a National Dialogue that involves extensive and inclusive public participation. As we have done at many important moments in our history, we will seek to forge a common vision and build a comprehensive social compact with a clear programme of action to realise our aspirations for the country."

Agents of change

"Through this National Dialogue, we are called to be agents of change, to be champions of inclusive growth, to be creators of opportunity."

A few years ago, a group of people came together to draft what they called the Indlulamithi Scenarios 2035 setting out three scenarios.

  1. The ‘Recrimination Nation’ uses the loud hadeda bird as its symbol. It describes a situation of inaction, where our country’s problems go unresolved, and where everyone blames each other for South Africa’s ills. This scenario paints a picture of our country going into decline.

  2. The ‘Desperation Nation’, symbolised by a vulture, painting a picture of a nation governed by a populist coalition whose main objective is self-enrichment and patronage.

  3. The ‘Cooperation Nation’ is symbolised by the social weaver birds, where after disruption and protests, there is a coming together of political parties, the state, private sector and civil society in order to jointly identify priorities and leveraging the strength of each.

“By establishing the Government of National Unity, by preparing for a National Dialogue, we have deliberately set ourselves along the path towards a ‘cooperation nation’. We would like all of us as South Africans to behave like ‘weaver birds’. Weavers are among the most gregarious birds in that they build complex structures together and cooperate.”

“Despite all the challenges, despite our differences, despite all the headwinds, as South Africans we are called upon to remain firmly committed to pursue the path of cooperation, growth and inclusion.”