State of the Nation  2024


Build a Capable, Ethical and Developmental State


Bring stability to local government and improve the delivery of basic services.

Stabilising local government

Stabilising local government
  • Bring stability to governance in key metros and improve delivery of basic services.
  • Strengthen national government's ability to intervene in struggling municipalities.
  • Implement reforms to improve governance and achieve financial sustainability.

Improving water services

Improving water services
  • Strengthen regulation of municipal water functions.
  • Fast-track development and maintenance of water infrastructure.

Professionalising municipal management

Professionalising municipal management
  • Standardise and professionalise appointment of municipal managers and CFOs, and ensure independent oversight of the appointment process.
  • Implement reforms for better governance and financial sustainability.
  • Collaborate with traditional leaders on local development.

Creating a professional public service

Creating a professional public service
  • Implement the professionalisation framework for the public service.
  • Establish the Office of the Head of the Public Administration.
  • Introduce a Graduate Recruitment Scheme and examination for public service recruitment.

Strengthening government effectiveness

Strengthening government effectiveness
  • Strengthen the role of the Presidency in planning and coordination.
  • Strengthen the role of the Public Service Commission in the appointment of Directors-General, SOE board directors and key positions such as the National Director of Public - Prosecutions to shield them from political interference.
  • Implement recommendations of the Presidential State-owned Enterprises Council, including the establishment of a - centralised ownership model for state-owned enterprises (SOEs).

Ramping up digital transformation

Ramping up digital transformation
  • Develop and implement a roadmap for digital transformation of public services.

Enforcing anti-corruption measures

Enforcing anti-corruption measures
  • Strengthen law enforcement agencies like the NPA and Hawks, including the permanent NPA Investigating Directorate against Corruption.
  • Strengthen whistleblower protections through stronger legislation.
  • Implement the National Anti-Corruption Strategy.
  • Strengthen accountability and conduct lifestyle audits for officials.

Enhancing public safety

Enhancing public safety
  • Tackle priority crimes like gang violence, cash-in-transit heists and the construction mafia through specialised police units.
  • Move towards evidence-based, data-driven policing.
  • Increase the use of proven safety technologies, including the modernisation of the 10111 emergency hotline.
  • Work closely with community policing forums.

Combating cross-border crime

Combating cross-border crime
  • Ensure effective border management to limit transnational crime.
  • Strengthen anti-money laundering efforts.

Tackling gender-based violence

Tackling gender-based violence
  • Implement the National Strategic Plan on Gender-based Violence and Femicide.
  • Expand victim support services, like the Thuthuzela Centres and GBV desks in police stations.

Protecting critical Infrastructure

Protecting critical Infrastructure
  • Combat infrastructure crime by securing electricity, logistics, water and other critical infrastructure.
  • Improve local government and basic services

  • Enable a professional and capable public service

  • Take a tougher stance on crime and corruption

  • Enhance community safety

  • Protect whistleblowers

  • Tackle gender-based violence