State of the Nation  2025

A Nation that Works for All

Frequently asked questions

The PYEI is a comprehensive initiative aimed at addressing youth unemployment in South Africa by facilitating the transition of young people from learning to earning. The intervention brings together the strengths of numerous government institutions and social partners to deliver more opportunities for young people. It seeks to coordinate, accelerate and enhance existing programmes and unblock pathways to employment, learning and youth enterprise.

The PYEI operates on four critical components: the National Pathway Management Network (NPMN), the revitalisation of the National Youth Service (NYS), supporting youth enterprise and wider systems change through Local Ecosystem Enablement (LEE), and closing the skills gap through Demand-Led Skilling.

The National Pathway Management Network is a network of networks that brings together opportunity holders and young people seeking these opportunities. Young people can register on SAYouth.Mobi in order to start accessing learning and earning opportunities.

Organisations can get involved by partnering with the PYEI to deliver youth employment-focused initiatives. Organisations can also support existing initiatives through collaboration and engagement with the PYEI. Organisations that have learning and earning opportunities can also register these opportunities on and be an “opportunity holder” on the National Pathway Management Network.

The PYEI collaborates with stakeholders across government, private sector and civil society to coordinate, accelerate and enhance existing programmes and unblock pathways to employment, learning and youth enterprise.

The Local Ecosystem Enablement component of the PYEI focuses on coordinating ecosystem efforts to facilitate self-employment and enterprise. Through this component, the PYEI works with various stakeholders across government, private sector and civil society to drive initiatives that enable the self-employment and enterprise of young people.

The PYEI focuses on five priority growth sectors: Digital technology and Global Business Services, Agriculture, Installation Repairs and Maintenance (IRM), Social Services, and the Automotive sector. These priority growth sectors align with the sectors that have been identified in the Economic Recovery and Reconstruction Plan (ERRP) skills strategy being implemented by the Department of Higher Education and Training.

The PYEI works with partners across government, private sector and civil society to drive initiatives that facilitate the transition of young people from learning to earning. Opportunity holders and organisations who are implementing programmes that enable young people to access earning opportunities can access funding through funding mechanisms such as the National Youth Service and the Jobs Boost Programme. Organisations interested in accessing this funding should sign up for the PYEI newsletter to get updates when new funding rounds launch.

You can stay updated by visiting the PYEI page on the State of the Nation Address (SONA) website regularly, subscribing to our newsletter, following us on LinkedIn, and attending our events and workshops.

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