State of the Nation  2025

A Nation that Works for All
Combat Crime

Combat Crime

It is fundamental to the aspirations of all our people to live in security, peace and comfort.

President Cyril Ramaphosa, SONA 2020

Police visibility, effective training and better resourcing of police stations are government’s key priorities.

Specialised units

Specialised units bringing together the South African Police Service (SAPS) and the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) have been mandated to combat a growing crime of economic disruption involving criminal groups that extort money from construction and other businesses.

Tourism Safety Monitors

To support the growth of the tourism industry, the SAPS will increase visibility at identified tourist attraction sites.

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The new recruits will increase visible policing on South Africa’s streets.

The Tourism Monitors Programme, which was launched in Gauteng in 2017, has since been extended to all nine provinces. It is part of a broader government intervention that involves training, mentorship and deployment of unemployed youth at key tourism attractions and sites.

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Government is fast-tracking a number of practical measures to promote the safety and security of travellers and tourists.

Police and anti-gang units

Following the graduation of 5,000 police trainees last year, 7,000 new police trainees have been enlisted this year to strengthen local policing.

The police services have been granted an allocation of R106 billion in the latest Budget, an increase of 2.8%.

Anti-Gang Units will be further strengthened, with priority given to the Western Cape, Eastern Cape, Gauteng and Free State.

Crime Detection University

To improve the quality of general and specialised SAPS investigations, a Crime Detection University is being established in Hammanskraal.

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